Results Driven Strategy.

Child Relocation

Washington child relocation lawyers fighting to protect your children and your parenting rights. Don’t simply forfeit your legal rights.

Do you need to move? Has your child’s other parent served you with a “Notice on Intended Relocation of Children”? In either situation, we can help. Our Washington State custody lawyers can help you understand your legal rights when it comes to relocation.

Relocating a child after a divorce can be difficult, if not impossible, for a variety of reasons. It’s difficult to understand parenting plan laws when it comes to relocating, and no two situations are ever alike. If you are considering relocating your children, or you oppose an ex-spouse relocating with your children, a representative from our law firm can offer you valuable counsel.

Resolving a case involving alterations to a parenting plan requires family law experience that only qualified Washington State child relocation attorneys can offer. The law does allow a parent to relocate with a child, but they must follow the statutory notice requirements. With over 30 years of collective experience our Washington State family law lawyers understand the law in regards to parenting plans, and will help you follow proper procedures.

While a parent can relocate without permission from the court, it must still be determined if the child will be allowed to move with them. There are a number of facts to consider, and our Washington State parenting plan attorneys will help you apply the law to your particular circumstances. The legal guidelines that govern your parenting plan must be adhered to, so our Washington State child relocation lawyers will want to take an in-depth look at your agreement.

Our Child Relocation Lawyers in Washington State Can Aid Your Efforts to Prevent a Child’s Relocating

Only a judge in family court can decide if a child will be allowed to relocate with a parent, but a judge will always render a decision that they believe is best for the child. A number of factors could be considered including the stability of the parent’s current relationship, and the details of the current parenting plan. Our Washington State divorce lawyers will help you prepare, so that there are no surprises when you present your case in family court.

If both parents equally share custody of the children, then modifying the existing parenting plan can be quite challenging. You will want the dedication and experience of our Washington State divorce lawyers working to protect your interests. With any issues involving your parenting plan there is no reason to take chances, because the future of your children is at stake. Make sure you know all of the facts with help from our Washington State legal professionals.

Get a Free Evaluation of Your Situation from Our Washington State Child Relocation Attorneys

Our Washington State child relocation lawyers offer a free consultation, so that you can get a better idea of what to expect when the relocating of children becomes a possibility. This is a sensitive issue with most parents, and our divorce lawyers understand how important the end result is to you.

Any issues involving adjustments to a parenting plan are stressful, and can become emotionally charged. Make sure all of your actions work to protect your family with help from our qualified legal professionals.


Get help, advice, and valuable information from a Washington family law attorney today!

Give us a call, even if you're unsure about what your future holds. One of our Washington State divorce attorneys would be happy to meet with you, listen to the circumstances of your case, and tell you honestly whether your situation is something you can handle yourself or whether you're getting in over your head. A consultation can be extremely revealing; there could be issues you may have overlooked. If you don't need us, we'll tell you so. If you do need us, you'll be glad you made the call.

How can we help?

Jason S. Newcombe

The Law Offices of Jason S. Newcombe has been handling Washington State divorce and family law cases for over two decades now. And, we understand how every divorce affects our clients on the deepest and most personal level. Jason is passionate about his work, and he genuinely cares about his clients and the results that he achieves for them. All of the Washington State divorce attorneys that work with Jason and his team are exceptional lawyers who pride themselves on being results oriented and cost effective.  Jason has been an over achiever for most of his life.  As an undergraduate, he accomplished a quadruple major while attending the University of Oregon Honors College.  He then graduated summa cum laude (Top 5%) from Boston College Law School. Read Bio