Results Driven Strategy.

Collaborative Divorce

Washington State collaborative divorce attorneys serving Seattle, Bellevue, Everett, Tacoma, and Olympia.

Your divorce does not have to devastate your family. Our collaborative divorce attorneys in Seattle, Bellevue, Everett, Tacoma, and Olympia can help.

If you’re looking for a solutions instead of arguments, our Washington State collaborative divorce attorneys may have the answers you seek.

A collaborative divorce offers couples a chance to find solutions to common divorce issues while staying out of court, and working together instead of fighting. When you decide to pursue this course of action, you will work with one of our Washington State collaborative divorce lawyers and your spouse in an effort to resolve problems productively.

One of the biggest benefits of a collaborative divorce is that negotiations are non-adversarial, allowing couples to craft agreements based on care and understanding. Our Washington attorneys believe that this process is a “win-win” solution to traditional divorce problems, and we highly recommend that everyone consider it as a viable option, if possible.

Our Washington lawyers have seen firsthand how combative traditional divorce can be, as it promotes a selfish attitude that results in direct confrontation. Conversely, a collaborative divorce allows for custom tailored solutions to difficult problems by keeping everyone educated on a wide variety of topics, including the law.

When children’s issues are a part of your negotiations, then the benefits of a collaborative divorce are many. When fighting is prevented and the lines of communication are kept open, children are benefited both at present and in the future because of good decision making. Making intelligent and informed choices is also aided by the use of a professional child specialist that will offer valuable advice when it’s needed most.

Collaborative Divorce

Where you and your children come first.

Toll Free: (855) 326-4595

If you would like to learn more contact one of our Washington State collaborative divorce attorneys from a free case evaluation.

Another benefit of a collaborative divorce is that you have total control over the outcome of the process. You can enjoy a free consultation with one of our Washington State collaborative divorce lawyers with no risk or obligation. This affords you an opportunity to learn more about this procedure so that you and your spouse can decide if it’s the right choice for you.

If you choose to retain one of our experienced lawyers you will also be working with other licensed professionals that will help you make decisions based on trust instead of animosity.

When you decide to pursue a collaborative divorce, both spouses must sign an agreement that they will see it through to its conclusion. If you fail to do so, and fall back on traditional contested divorce procedures, all professionals associated with the case will be barred from assisting you further.

Contact one of our collaborative divorce attorneys in Washington State today and find out how to prevent fighting while reaching solutions that benefit your entire family for years to come.


Get help, advice, and valuable information from a Washington family law attorney today!

Give us a call, even if you're unsure about what your future holds. One of our Washington State divorce attorneys would be happy to meet with you, listen to the circumstances of your case, and tell you honestly whether your situation is something you can handle yourself or whether you're getting in over your head. A consultation can be extremely revealing; there could be issues you may have overlooked. If you don't need us, we'll tell you so. If you do need us, you'll be glad you made the call.

How can we help?

Jason S. Newcombe

The Law Offices of Jason S. Newcombe has been handling Washington State divorce and family law cases for over two decades now. And, we understand how every divorce affects our clients on the deepest and most personal level. Jason is passionate about his work, and he genuinely cares about his clients and the results that he achieves for them. All of the Washington State divorce attorneys that work with Jason and his team are exceptional lawyers who pride themselves on being results oriented and cost effective.  Jason has been an over achiever for most of his life.  As an undergraduate, he accomplished a quadruple major while attending the University of Oregon Honors College.  He then graduated summa cum laude (Top 5%) from Boston College Law School. Read Bio