Results Driven Strategy.

Modifying Child Custody

Parenting Plan Modification attorneys serving Washington State.

Need to modify your parenting plan? Hoping to get custody of your children? Get answers now. Talk to a family law lawyer today. (855) 326-4595.

Get help and answers from one of our Washington child custody lawyers.

Dealing with a divorce in Washington State is never easy, but child custody issues are often some of the hardest for parents to cope with. When a divorce is finished there is often a sense of relief, but sometimes a parent must seek a modification of the custody arrangements at a later date. When this happens, old emotions can resurface leading to arguments over what is actually in the best interests of the children.

Most parents want what’s best for their children, and tensions usually arise when they disagree about living arrangements and visitation rights. Because of the sensitive nature of these kinds of family law issues, you need to work with qualified Washington State child custody modification lawyers who will protect your interests and those of your children.

The court urges parents to reach an understanding on all issues that affect children, including important decisions on how they should be raised. On many occasions when one parent seeks to change the custody agreement, the other parent opposes any change at all. No matter what side of the disagreement you are on, you should talk to one of our Washington State family law lawyers before taking your first step.

Modifying child custody in Washington State can be hard.

Every child custody case is unique and fact specific.

Our Washington State custody attorneys have seen firsthand how parents who are both acting in the best interests of their children can completely disagree. Still, by keeping the child as the primary focus during custody negotiations, confrontation and anger can be minimized. Every attempt should be made to reach a fair agreement because any custody modification will have to be approved by the court

By keeping the process simple and motivating parents to keep the lines of communication open, our Washington State family law lawyers make sure that your rights are protected while acting as your personal advocate.

Our Washington State divorce and family law attorneys offer a free consultation.

There are times when couples simply can’t find common ground, and negotiations come to a screeching halt. Our Washington State child custody modification attorneys will try to help parents work through these issues, but if they can’t then the court will have to step in and make a decision on their behalf.

Tensions often build to a breaking point when one parent seeks a custody change, while the other parent wants to maintain the status quo. Avoiding bitter arguments is best for everyone involved, so before taking any action you need to get factual legal information from our Washington State child custody modification lawyers.

Washington judges are likely to mandate child custody orders that put the interests of the child first. Once a decision is rendered it can only be revisited if both parents agree to new terms or there is a dramatic change in circumstances, such as losing a job or severe incapacitation.

Get help from one of our Washington State custody attorneys today by contacting our law firm for a free consultation. We will strive to resolve your case favorable using every legal tool at our disposal. Our Washington State custody attorneys have over 30 years of collective experience handling sensitive family law cases, and they can put their qualifications to work for you.


Get help, advice, and valuable information from a Washington family law attorney today!

Give us a call, even if you're unsure about what your future holds. One of our Washington State divorce attorneys would be happy to meet with you, listen to the circumstances of your case, and tell you honestly whether your situation is something you can handle yourself or whether you're getting in over your head. A consultation can be extremely revealing; there could be issues you may have overlooked. If you don't need us, we'll tell you so. If you do need us, you'll be glad you made the call.

How can we help?

Jason S. Newcombe

The Law Offices of Jason S. Newcombe has been handling Washington State divorce and family law cases for over two decades now. And, we understand how every divorce affects our clients on the deepest and most personal level. Jason is passionate about his work, and he genuinely cares about his clients and the results that he achieves for them. All of the Washington State divorce attorneys that work with Jason and his team are exceptional lawyers who pride themselves on being results oriented and cost effective.  Jason has been an over achiever for most of his life.  As an undergraduate, he accomplished a quadruple major while attending the University of Oregon Honors College.  He then graduated summa cum laude (Top 5%) from Boston College Law School. Read Bio