Spousal support attorneys serving Washington State. Determining “spousal maintenance” or “alimony” can be complicated here in Washington State. Call now for a free initial consultation and case evaluation. Call now for help and answers that you can trust. Talk to an alimony lawyer about your legal rights and obligations.

(855) 326-4595.

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Do You Have Washington State Alimony Questions?

Our Washington State Spousal Support Attorneys Can Help

Spousal maintenance, also called alimony, is often one of the more contentious issues that arise during divorce negotiations. Washington State divorce law does not offer any clear means by which spousal maintenance is awarded, so there is often much confusion when this topic is broached. Our Washington State spousal maintenance lawyers can help you whether you are seeing alimony or are worried that you could be responsible for making alimony payments to your ex-spouse.

When you retain a qualified Washington State alimony attorney, they do everything they can to help you protect your financial future. Your situation is undoubtedly unique, so you need to provide our Washington State spousal support attorneys with specifics about your situation to help them develop an aggressive strategy on your behalf. Soon, answers to your most pressing questions will present themselves and you will know how much alimony you’ll be expected to pay or receive, when your first payment will be due, and if child support will be a part of the final arrangement.

Determining “alimony” or spousal maintenance in Washington State is often a complicated equation with no set rules. Washington spousal support laws are actually very subjective in many ways. Commissioners and judges are required to look at a number of statutory elements when determining if spousal support is appropriate in what amount.

Our spousal support attorneys in Washington State will help you negotiate with your spouse in an effort to work out your differences in a peaceful setting. While no two cases are ever alike, our experienced divorce law professionals will want to ascertain certain relevant facts, such as:

  • What was your standard of living during your marriage?
  • How long did your marriage last?
  • What are your financial resources?
  • What are your ex-spouse’s financial resources?
  • How old are you and your ex-spouse?
  • What is the health status of you and your ex-spouse?

Any information you can provide to your Washington State alimony attorney concerning these facts will go a long way toward expediting your divorce case.

We Offer a Free Consultation with One of Our Washington State Spousal Maintenance Lawyers

Dealing with the aftermath of a failed marriage can leave you despondent and in a state of emotional turmoil. However, this is not a time for inaction as you need to take steps to secure your financial security and that of your family. Your Washington State alimony attorney will want to work with you in an effort to ascertain your current finances, and what you would like to see accomplished when your divorce is finalized.

It is vital that you do everything legally possible to ensure your financial independence, and our spousal maintenance lawyers are dedicated to protecting your interests.

Whether you are seeking to obtain alimony, or you want to protect your own hard-earned money, you can talk to a qualified legal representative in our office today without any risk or monetary obligation. We offer a free consultation with a spousal support attorney in Washington State, so that you can start taking steps to protect your future today.

If you choose to retain a divorce attorney from our law firm, they will do everything they can to help you transition into a new life with a solid financial foundation.


Give us a call, even if you’re unsure about what your future holds. One of our Washington State divorce attorneys would be happy to meet with you, listen to the circumstances of your case, and tell you honestly whether your situation is something you can handle yourself or whether you’re getting in over your head. A consultation can be extremely revealing; there could be issues you may have overlooked. If you don’t need us, we’ll tell you so. If you do need us, you’ll be glad you made the call.


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About Us

Our firm has been handling Washington State divorce and family law cases for over two decades now. And, we understand how every divorce affects our clients on the deepest and most personal level. Jason is passionate about his work, and he genuinely cares about his clients and the results that he achieves for them. All of the Washington State divorce attorneys that work at our firm are exceptional lawyers who pride themselves on being results oriented and cost effective.